Examples of Service Offering
Examples of GR-2010's service offering to service industries, high technology, health, government, heavy industry and biotechnology.
The Hotel Industry
GR-2010 provides 5 important services to the hotel industry:
- Anonymous Audits for the Level of Service Provided
- Team Building and Team Development for Senior Management Teams
- Consulting Services for Marketing and Sales Organizations
- Training in Hotel Management People and Organizational Skills
- Performance Improvement Systems
GR-2010 has thousands of hours of experience with Dan, Hilton, Sheraton and other world leaders.
High Tech
GR-2010 provides the following training and consulting services to the high tech:
- Tools for Aggressive Commitment Management
- Team Building and Team Development for Management Teams at all levels.
- Support for organizational due diligence
- Management training specially adapted for high tech needs.
- Tools for Trust Building with Remote Sites
- Interface Management Tools
- Training Managers to Work in Asia and North America
- Making Engineers into Managers Tool Kit
- Rapid Growth and Downsizing Tool Kit
- Jump Starting Stubborn Organizational Problems
GR-2010 has hundreds of thousands of hours of experience supporting Airwide, Intel, Comverse, Philips, Somanetworks, Ericsson, ACS, KLA and many other world leaders.
GR-2010 provides the following training and consulting services to biotech companies.
- Tools for Commitment Management
- Team Building and Team Development for Management Teams at all levels.
- Support for organizational due diligence
- Management training specially adapted for scientists.
- Tools for Trust Building with Remote Sites
- Marketing, R and D, Product Development Interface Management Tools:
- Training Scientists and Managers to Work in Asia and North America
- Rapid Growth and Downsizing Tool Kit
- Jump Starting Stubborn Organizational Problems
The Health Sector
The health sector has undergone many revolutions in the past decade and had many changes were implemented. GR-2010 has extensive and varied
experience in providing consulting services and organizational development in the health sector in Israel and overseas.
Our consulting services in this sector include:
- The processes of designing medical models in service providence, together with hospital staff.
- The process of designing effective work processes and developing
mechanisms for handling public complaints
- Consulting and facilitating the transition to the renewed forms of organizing.
- Cross-disciplinary consulting and training for improving service in hospitals and private clinics.
- Designing the work routines for different functions.
- Consulting in minimizing the obstacles of managing multi-disciplinary teams.
- Establishing and facilitating teams for leading processes and changes within hospitals and external clinics.
- Facilitating the process of calibration of expectations between customers and internal suppliers.
- Developing the competencies to handle stressful and violent events in the hospitals.
GR-2010 has extensive experience in different hospitals: ‘Shaare Zedek’ Medical Center, ‘Sheba’ Medical Center, ‘Shmuel Harofeh’ Geriatric Center, ‘Beilinson’ Medical Center, ‘Carmel’ Medical Center, ‘Shalvata’ Mental Health Center.
Government Offices and the Public Sector
GR-2010 provides a wide range of services to government offices
and different public organizations in Israel and overseas.
These services are:
- Developing management teams.
- Designing strategy and vision jointly with the residents in regional councils.
- Building the work routines for implementing the strategy.
- Consulting and training in the establishment and leading of organizational development services in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
- Facilitating the "renewed organizing program" in governmental offices and different public organizations.
- Providing tools for facilitating change processes.
- Training and workshops on dealing with the “recovery programs” in public organizations.
- Training managerial staffs to lead in times of crises.
GR-2010 has extensive experience in public organizations in Israel.
Manufacturing and Services
GR-2010 provides consulting services to the ‘heavy industry’ sector and the retail
sector in a variety of areas both in Israel and overseas
.Key services provided to this sector:
- Strategic global optimization of the managerial levels
- Consulting on the re-organizing of the business units.
- Implementing advanced computerized systems.
- Managerial development programs in different managerial levels and creating a shared managerial language.
- Implementing organizational culture.
- Accelerating change processes for improving organizational effectiveness and efficiency
- Improving services and sales.
- Designing simulators for business scenarios.
- Building infrastructures for a “standard branch” to implement the value of excellence.
- A “concealed review” process for improving organizational performance.
GR-2010 has extensive experience in different manufacturing and retail companies such as L'Oreal Paris, Elbar, , Hamashbir Lazarchan, Ordan, Paz and many others.