Allon Shevat- GR 2010 is a world leader in organizational development, with over 35 years of experience and innovation.
About Allon Shevat - GR 2010
During the past three decades Allon has accumulated thousands of hours experience with industry leaders all over the world: Fortune 500 companies, start ups and medium size businesses.
Allon Shevat works globally with projects in North America, the Middle East, Japan, India, South East Asia and Australia.
When you ask for references, we will provide you names of senior managers from Johnson and Johnson, Comverse Billing, Nova Taiwan, Microsoft, Intel, Somanetworks Canada/India, Ace-Office Depot, Thales UK, Airwide Solutions, Paz Energy, Ness India, Philips, Teva, Siemens, Visa, Symantec, Schlomberger, Renault, Leumi, Strauss, IBM, defense & security services, hotel chains as well as start ups and government agencies all over the globe.